


 Chili Cook-Off

January 22 – 5:00 p.m.

Don’t miss our Chili Cook-Off and Semi-Annual Business Meeting next Sunday.  It will be a great time of fellowship and you will have an opportunity to catch up on the happenings and upcoming events at Bethel. 

  • Sign up today to attend                   
  • Sign up today to bring chili         

2023 Church Directory

The Church Directory helps our congregation build community and stay connected with one another.  Members and Friends are encouraged to fill out the insert in the church bulletin and put it in the offering plate at the end of the worship service.  New Church Directories with updated information will be available in February.   

Parking Lot Fund

Our church is in the process of raising funds to replace our existing parking lot in 2023.  The current estimated cost is around $93,000.00.  Reaching that goal will depend upon God’s help and our generosity.  Our current amount is $23,160.98.  

Please be praying for God’s guidance about the special and sacrificial amount He wants you to give.  You can use the Special line on the offering envelope or select Parking Lot Fund on to designate your gift to this important project. 

Women’s Bible Study

Cerrita Parks, Chair of the Austin Area Christian Women’s Connection group, will be leading a six-week ladies’ Bible study at Bethel for beginning Tuesday, January 17. The study is called EVERY SEASON: EMBRACING A FOREVER KIND OF PURPOSE.  The class time is 6:30–7:30 p.m. 

  • Register on the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway
  • The study books by Janice mayo Mathers cost $10 each