

Our Daily Bread

The stated mission of the Our Daily Bread Ministries is to make the life-changing wisdom of the Bible understandable and accessible to all.  Their vision is to see people of all nations experiencing a personal relationship with Christ, growing to be more like Him, and serving in a local body of His family.  Pick up your copy of the daily devotional today! 


Sunday School/Life Groups

Participating in a Sunday School class or a Life Group is a great way to find personal enrichment, grow a vibrant faith, and develop relationships that will last forever.  There are currently four groups that are meeting each Sunday from 10:00-10:45 a.m.  Let us know if you have questions. 

Bible Explorers – (Elementary and younger – inside classroom area)

Bible Journeys – (Middle School/Youth – portable building classroom)

Discovery Class – (Adults – inside classroom area)

Cornerstone Class – (Adults – Sanctuary)



New Members Class

June 26, 2022 

Church membership is a personal commitment by a believer in Jesus to belong to a local church congregation.  The Bible presents two requirements for local church membership: a profession of faith and believer’s baptism. 

Church membership is also a personal pledge to support and to be involved in the life and ministry of the church congregation. As Christians worship, learn, grow, and serve together, they have the opportunity to live out the teachings of Jesus in personal and meaningful ways. Please contact Pastor Gene or Brother Bill for more information if God is leading you to explore becoming a member of Bethel.