Craft Group
June 10, 2023
CRAFT GROUP is a great opportunity to work on projects, share ideas, learn new skills, and build strong relationships. Invite someone to join you and remember all ages are welcome. The monthly event happens on the second Saturday of each month. It begins at 10 am and last until noon.
THE Greatest Journey
Millions of boys and girls in more than 100 countries around the world are participating in The Greatest Journey — the follow-up discipleship program for children who receive Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts. You can help support this exciting program by donating $6.00 for every child you would like to see participate in this Gospel-Centered outreach and discipleship activity.
$6.00 per child donations will be received through Sunday, June 25. Write Greatest Journey on the Special Line on the church’s offering envelope.
Parking Lot Fund
Donations to our Parking Lot Fund last week were $200.00 and that brings our current total to $61,817.36. The estimated cost to replace the parking lot is around $93,000.00. You can designate your financial gift by writing Parking Lot Fund on the Special line on the church envelope or by selecting Parking Lot Fund on
Communion Sunday
We will be observing communion during our worship service today. This is a special and sacred time in which believers commemorate the death of Jesus on the cross for their sins. It’s our prayer that our worship service will help you understand God’s love in a deeply personal way. Please let Pastor Gene know if you have questions about what it means to be a Christian or if you have questions about Communion.