

Sunday School/Life Groups

Participating in a Sunday School class or a Life Group is a great way to find personal enrichment, grow a vibrant faith, and develop relationships that will last forever.  There are currently four groups that are meeting each Sunday from 10:00-10:45 a.m.  Let us know if you have questions. 

Bible Explorers – (Elementary and younger – inside classroom area)

Bible Journeys – (Middle School/Youth – portable building classroom)

Discovery Class – (Adults – inside classroom area)

Cornerstone Class – (Adults – Sanctuary)


Spring Ladies’ Bible Study

Living In God’s Will: A Guide to Decision Making

 Cerrita Parks will be leading a 7-week Bible Study beginning on Saturday, May 14, and ending on Saturday, June 25.  This will be another great opportunity for women to come together for fellowship, encouragement, and growing in faith. 

  • The sessions will be held at Bethel each Saturday from 10:00 to noon
  • A sign-up sheet for registration is on the bulletin board in the church hallway
  • A personal workbook is $10 and will be provided at the first session



At the core of Christianity is a personal relationship with God that is life-changing.  Culture rarely leads us to a more vibrant faith. Walking with Jesus each day keeps us in step with the Holy Spirit and takes us on the greatest of adventures. 

 Join us over the next several weeks as Pastor Gene preaches about the building blocks of a robust faith.  Let’s jump into this series expectantly with an open and honest heart.  Let’s be revived as God reconnects us with the simplicity of the Christian faith and the basics of the Christian life.