

 Easter Offering

Parking Lot Fund

The focus of our Easter Offering is to help raise the funds needed to replace our existing parking lot.  The current estimated cost is around $93,000.00.  Reaching that goal will depend upon God’s help and our generosity. The current amount increased by $200.00 last week and the new total is $44,330.68.  

Please use the Easter Offering Envelope for your financial gift.  You can also designate your gift amount on a regular offering envelope by using the Special line on the envelope.  An Easter Offering can also be made on by selecting Parking Lot Fund.     


Easter Communion Supper

Join us Thursday evening, April 6, at 7:00 p.m. for a special time of worship and fellowship.  We’ll enjoy a simple meal (soup and rolls), sing hymns, read Scripture and observe the Lord’s Supper.  Please us the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board to let us know that you will be attending.   


Volunteer Opportunities

 Thanks to everyone who volunteers their time and abilities to help in Bethel’s ministry.  Please add your name to signup sheet on the bulletin board if you would like to serve in one of these areas.

 Lawn Team                    Cleaning Team               Tech Team – Sound & Projector

 “Act as if what you do makes a difference.  It does.” – William James


