

Drama Program

Are you interested in exploring a new, creative way to praise the Lord? A drama program would be a fun way for people of all ages to get together and tell the stories we all love, in ways you’ve never seen them told before.

Anyone and everyone are welcome to participate. Join us July 9th, right after the service, for a brain storming session if you’re interested! Please contact Alix Lindbergh if you have any questions.


The Greatest Journey

Millions of boys and girls in more than 100 countries around the world are participating in The Greatest Journey—the follow-up discipleship program for children who receive Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts. You can help support this exciting program by donating $6.00 for every child you would like to see participate in this Gospel-Centered outreach and discipleship activity.

$6.00 per child will provide The Greatest Journey student workbook, a New Testament, and a graduation certificate.

Donations can be made through Sunday, June 25. Please write "Greatest Journey" on the Special Line on the offering envelope.


Parking Lot Fund

Donations to our Parking Lot Fund last week were $1,406.80, bringing our current total to $63,824.16. The estimated cost to replace the parking lot is around $93,000.00. You can designate your financial gift by writing "Parking Lot Fund" on the Special line on the offering envelope or by selecting Parking Lot Fund on

As we continue our giving to the Parking Lot Fund, please keep in mind that our donations need to be in addition to the regular giving of our tithes. Our tithes are used to support our ministry in Austin and our financial gifts that go toward missions in other parts of the world.