


Easter Communion Supper

Join us Thursday evening, April 6, at 7:00 p.m. for a special time of worship and fellowship.  We’ll enjoy a simple meal (soup and rolls), sing hymns, read Scripture and observe the Lord’s Supper.  Please us the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board to let us know that you will be attending.   


Easter Offering

The focus of our Easter Offering is to help raise the funds needed to replace our existing parking lot.  The current estimated cost is around $93,000.00.  Reaching that goal will depend upon God’s help and our generosity. The current amount increased by $850.00 last week and the new total is $45,180.68.  

Please use the Easter Offering Envelope for your financial gift.  You can also designate your gift amount on a regular offering envelope by using the Special line on the envelope.  An Easter Offering can also be made on by selecting Parking Lot Fund.     


Garage & Bake Sale

April 29 – 9:30 am to 4:00 pm

Lyra Bemis and Alix Lindbergh are organizing a Garage & Bake Sale for the last Saturday of the month.  The proceeds will go toward the Parking Lot Fund.  Please note the following details and reach out to Lyra or Alix if you have questions.

  • No large furniture or clothing will be sold.
  • Other items can be dropped off on the morning of the sale between the hours of 7:00-9:00 am.
  • Donors will be given price stickers and will need to price their items before they bring them the morning of the sale.
  • No store bought baked goods will be accepted.
  • Baked goods should be dropped off at the church on Friday afternoon – April 28. Lyra and Alix will price the baked goods. 
  • Everyone is asked to return for their unsold items at the end of the sell. Items not sold or picked up will be donated to Salvation Army.