



Communion Sunday

We will be observing communion during our worship service today.  This is a special and sacred time in which believers commemorate the death of Jesus on the cross for our sins.  It’s our prayer that our worship service will help you understand God’s love in a deeply personal way.  Please let Pastor Gene know if you have questions about what it means to be a Christian or if you have questions about Communion.  

I Corinthians 11:26 – For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup,

you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.

Craft Group

October 8, 2022

CRAFT GROUP is a great opportunity to work on projects, share ideas, learn new skills, and build strong relationships.  The group works together, talks together, and has a break from everyone’s busy schedules together.  Invite someone to join you and remember all ages are welcome.  The monthly event happens on the second Saturday of each month.  It begins at 10 am and last until noon.


Brother Hoy’s Christmas Food Drive 2022

Brother Hoy continues a tradition that he and Patsy began several decades ago.  Although Patsy is now deceased, he honors her memory and helps the less fortunate in Mexico at Christmas time through a food drive that provides tons of rice, corn, and beans to families who struggle daily to have enough food. The Gospel is also shared with as many people as possible. 

Donations will be accepted through Sunday, December 4.  Please designate your gift to “Hoy Food Drive” on the Special line on the offering envelope.