

Christmas Eve Service

5:00 pm

We hope you’ll join us on Saturday, December 24, for our Christmas Eve Service!  It’s a wonderful opportunity to gather with family and friends in a traditional and timeless way to celebrate our Savior’s miraculous birth.  Jesus truly is the Reason for the Season!

Our Christmas Eve Service will be our last worship service in 2022.  Let’s share God’s love with as many people as possible and look forward to next year’s opportunities for greater outreach and ministry.      


Christmas Offering

Donations to this year’s Christmas Offering will go into the church’s Parking Lot Fund.

With God’s help and the generosity of God’s people, Bethel will be able to make the needed improvements to the church parking lot in 2023. 

Participating in our Christmas offering this year is a wonderful way to show our appreciation for Bethel’s ministry and our place of worship.  Please use the Christmas Offering envelopes on the offering table in the sanctuary for your donation or select the Parking Lot Fund on  

II Corinthians 9:7 – God loves a cheerful giver. 


Sunday School/Life Groups

Participating in a Sunday School class or a Life Group is a great way to find personal enrichment, grow a vibrant faith, and develop relationships that will last forever.  There are currently four groups that are meeting each Sunday from 10:00-10:45 a.m.  Let us know if you have questions. 

Bible Explorers – (Elementary and younger – inside classroom area)

Bible Journeys – (Middle School/Youth – portable building classroom)

Discovery Class – (Adults – inside classroom area)

Cornerstone Class – (Adults – Sanctuary)


New Bible Study

Ross Heinricy will be conducting a Sunday night Bible study in the book of Proverbs starting on Sunday, January 1, 2023.  The study is called MAKING SENSE OF LIFE – FINDING ORDER IN A CHAOTIC WORLD.  This will be an in-depth look at the Bible’s book of Wisdom.  The class time is 6:00-7:00 p.m.